DigiSafeGuard Securypto 应用

DigiSafeGuard Secure Vault 3.35
For who is this app? Basically anyone who actually cares abouttheirprivacy and security and is just fed up with all thehacks,eavesdropping and censorship. You can use this app to sendandreceive encrypted RSA 4096 voice, text, messages and picturesthatare created on the fly. DigiSafeGuard app is part of theSecuryptoBlockchain project. This is perfect for you if you want tosend andreceive sensitive data, store personal and private messageson yourphone, whistleblowers and journalists and anyone in betweenthatcares about their data. And not to forget the air-gappedbasedencrypted cryptocurrency wallet, also known as HardwareWallet.Basically all you need to protect your funds and data in onesinglesecure app. Several features of the app: Encrypted voicememo’s:Send and receive military grade encrypted voice memo’s whichonlyyou and the receiver can play. Even if the encrypted messageisforwarded to an third party, they won’t be able to play it as itisONLY intended for the by you selected receiver only. Secureimagesharing: Forget apps with fake sense of security where yourimageis still stored somewhere on the phone having only theextentionschanged. Take a picture inside the app and encrypt itimmediatelyfrom the memory and send it to the designated receiver.Thereceiver and only the receiver can open it. It would be uselesstosend or forward the encrypted message to someone else.AnonymousMessaging: You will talk completely anonymously. Beingimpossibleto be identified or recognized. Received an importantmessage andyou want to save it? Just choose a title for it, encryptand saveit to your archives and access it anytime you want whenopening offcourse your secure vault. Password vault: Type andencrypt yourpasswords on the go, either in 1 vault or multiplepasswords indifferent vaults. Unlimited amount of vaults: 1 vaultfor yourpasswords, another one for your crypto keys and thenanother onefor storing encrypted images of confidential files (stopmakingpictures of your ID and saving them on your SD card, you areaskingfor identity theft!). Protect your data: Ever wanted to justsave apiece of text and you end up taking a picture from it orworse saveit in your memo (really??… how bad are you looking to gethacked?).Just type whatever you like and save it in your secureencryptedarchive. This is VERY handy for journalists,whistleblowers andanyone who wants to type and save on the fly inan encryptedenvironment. Insurance: 4096 RSA encryption on the flymakes itimpossible to break ( if you can, you can claim 10 bitcoinsas partof our bounty!) Simple and Lightweight: We’ve developedanapplication to make it as simple and light as possible. Nofancyand intrusive functions. Global: The application isconstantlyupdated with new languages and available worldwide forusers. Takeback control over your privacy no matter where you are.Encryptedbackups: Create universal encrypted backups from your dataandtransfer it to another (offline)device, so even if yourphonebreaks, your data is always safe! 💠 Features in heavydevelopment:Crypto wallet, Securypto blockchain based datatransfer. 💠